Nick Scarnati |
Jeb Alexander
Sensitive, intellectual; not without his flaws and self-doubts,
but always honorable. Takes the safe road -- in doing so, he
will find he has missed out on some of life's experiences.

Jerry Gibson |
C.C. ("Dash") Dasham
Extremely personable, handsome, charismatic and compassionate
-- sometimes beyond reason. He regrets that he cannot return
Jeb's love, but they both know their friendship is important
as well.

Brian Shaer |
Nicky Bowman
Boyish and clean-cut as they come. What some see as naiveté
is actually a fierce belief in the innate goodness of people.

Virginia Stringel |
Muriel Phillipson
Elegant, society background; always upbeat. Like a sister to
Isador and Max. She has selected this unlikely group as boon

Yosvany Reyes |
Isador Pearson
Flamboyant; enjoys life to the fullest. At first, his demeanor
might make him an unlikely friend for Jeb. But his humor and
loyalty reach even the most closeted heart.

Christopher Lococo |
Max Stone
Intellectual and practical; a consensus builder. Jeb finds in
him a keen advisor, someone whose conduct is always worthy of
A tough-as-nails waitress, in her 40's, or even older. Everyone
except Muriel and Nicky is terrified of her. |

Brandon deSpain |
Hans Vermehren*
From Germany. He finds trying to fit into American society an
ongoing struggle. Attracted to Jeb.
*Pronounced: fair-MAIR-en

Terron Jones |
Randall Hare Braggart; conceited, devious. Ultimately
he fools no one.
Rough trade -- a hustler who picks Jeb up one night, and later
threatens to expose him. |